Planning for the Future, 
Celebrating Our Centennial 

If you weren’t with us at our annual meeting at the end of January, we have some good news to share: the “Growing Into Our Future” capital campaign we launched at the meeting is well under way, with substantial amounts raised toward our goal of $760,000.

The campaign sets us on a path toward expanded programming and outreach, deepened spirituality, and an enhanced commitment to protecting and sharing our church home for generations to come.

Key initiatives

  • Hiring an assistant minister
  • Creating a maintenance fund
  • Enhancing the sanctuary
  • Improving the parking lot

As we move toward our centennial in 2024, the Growing Into Our Future campaign enables us to be good stewards of St. Andrew’s, protecting what we have inherited and moving forward in faith to open our arms more fully to each other, to newcomers, and to the wider world.

If you have already pledged, thank you! If you have not yet pledged, please give generously.

How to donate to St. Andrew’s

More information

Members of the Century Committee 
Charlie Milner and Peg Howard, chairs
Charlie Ives / Elizabeth Muller / Mark Rowe
Penny Stratton / Phoebe Wysor
Richard Stratton, vestry liaison
Rev. Clyde Elledge, ex officio

St. Andrew's home page