Welcome to Newcomers and
Prospective Newcomers!

If you're new to the area or seeking a spiritual home, St. Andrew's warmly welcomes you to join us. We are a Christian church, part of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. Our congregation includes members raised in the Episcopal faith, as well as those raised in other faiths and backgrounds. Based in Marblehead, our parish also includes many parishioners from Salem, Swampscott, and other North Shore communities. If you ask parishioners why they belong to St. Andrew's, many will tell you of the warmth of our community, others will mention the openness of spirit, and some will cite our tradition of involvement in outreach to others. Whatever the reasons, we strive to include and support each other as we learn to value and express Christ's presence in our lives.

We celebrate Rite II of the Episcopal liturgy at our regular Sunday services at 8 and 10 a.m. each Sunday, with slight changes of schedule for major holy days, such as Easter and Christmas and with occasional special alternate liturgies, such as the New Zealand liturgy.

About the Service

As you enter the sanctuary for a Sunday service, an usher will greet you and provide you with a service leaflet. The leaflet is a roadmap to the service; readings and spoken prayers are in it . . . or you can follow the service in the Book of Common Prayer, the smaller red book in each pew. Hymns are found in the hymnal, the larger red book in each pew. A member of our lay leadership, the Vestry, is available to answer questions before the service.

You'll note the involvement of lay people in our service: acolytes, lectors, chalice bearers, ushers, and sometimes guest preachers. During the school year, you'll see children process in from church school just before the Peace, when the congregation joyfully greets each other.

We welcome everyone--young and old, of any tradition and background--to come to the altar rail to share the Eucharist with us. If you prefer, you can receive a blessing instead. To receive communion, place one open hand atop the other to receive bread; you may sip the wine from the chalice or dip your bread into the wine. To receive a blessing, cross your arms on your chest.

If you're confused during the service, please ask a neighbor to help you; we'd like everyone to experience the beauty and holiness of the prayers and the Eucharist.

After the service, please join us for coffee hour in the Parish Hall and take an opportunity to meet parishioners

For More Information

If you'd like more information about St. Andrew's, please fill out the card in the pew and/or speak to the priest or the Vestry Member of the Day. We'll follow up with a call or a visit, as requested. In addition, please help yourself to publications about St. Andrew's, our church school, and opportunities for involvement, which you'll find in the vestibule, along with other information and prayers.
